
Comparing AWS vs Azure vs GCP: Which Cloud Platform Should You Choose?

Comparing AWS vs Azure vs GCP Featured img BDCC

Gone are the days when organizations managed their data centers and infrastructure back-ends. As we enter 2024, Cloud Computing and Cloud Service Providers are rocking the technology landscape. It’s no surprise that worldwide public cloud spending will reach $679 billion this year. With that being said, the primary players in the current public cloud market are:

AWS vs. AZURE vs. GCP–Are you currently using any of them? You can switch from one CSP to another if you aren’t satisfied with their cloud-managed services. Whether you have a single-cloud setup or plan to adopt a multi-cloud setting, you must watch out for the most functional yet profitable cloud service offerings! So, which cloud service provider is up for winning the battle for cloud supremacy? We’re about to find that out!

A Quick Overview About AWS, Azure, and GCP

Let’s begin the analysis by understanding the purpose of the Cloud Service Provider (CSP)! A CSP company offers a range of cloud computing solutions over the Internet. Amazon Web, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure are the most popular CSPs as of 2024!

Amazon Web Services

Whether a startup, an individual tech enthusiast, or a large enterprise, most prefer Amazon Web Services. As the current market leader, AWS has unique service offerings that cover almost every domain or industry.

AWS now offers 200+ fully featured cloud services that serve millions of registered users worldwide. Top customers of Amazon Web Services include Netflix, Coca-Cola, Formula 1, Airbnb, and more!

Microsoft Azure

Debuting in 2010, Azure is second after Amazon Web Services, among other cloud platforms. The Azure cloud platform hosts more than 200 cloud solutions and services and is one of the fastest-growing platforms of 2024.

While many debate whether Azure services mainly support Microsoft-centric enterprises, this is far from the truth. Not all Azure services are Windows-based! It’s the top choice for enterprises planning to adopt a hybrid cloud environment. Some of Azure’s well-known customers are McKesson Group, Starbucks, and HSBC.

Google Cloud Platform

Since GCP became publicly available in 2010, it has quickly become the list’s third most popular cloud provider! GCP offers over 100 Google Cloud-centric services, most related to Big Data and Analytics, AI and Machine Learning, Compute, and Application Management. Some notable GCP customers include Spotify, Toyota, Twitter, Unilever, Paypal, and more!

AWS, Azure, and GCP Market Share Breakdown: Who Leads The Cloud Race?

AWS is leading the cloud market with the largest share. According to Statista, AWS holds 31% of the global market. Azure follows closely at 25%, while GCP stands at 11%. Together, these three giants command 67% of the market.

  • AWS holds 31% of the global market.
  • Azure has grown to 25%, which is the highest ever.
  • GCP is steady at 11% market share.
  • The “Big Three” dominate IaaS and PaaS with a 71% share.
  • Cloud spending reached $76 billion in Q1 2024, a 21% increase year-over-year.

Despite AWS’s lead, this doesn’t mean AWS is perfect for your business. Azure and GCP have unique advantages and cloud service offerings! Each CSP provides distinct operational features and cloud capabilities. So, you must compare them carefully before deciding on your future cloud investments.

AWS vs Azure vs GCP: Cloud Cost & Pricing Comparison

When it comes down to your cloud investments, you have many things to consider, isn’t it? Let’s get straight into that! Each cloud provider—GCP, AWS, and Azure—has unique pricing models. However, your on-demand billing fluctuates according to the cloud resources you use.

One advantage is the availability of Free Tiers that you can use! They all provide a limited range of cloud services under their free tiers. As it doesn’t incur initial costs, you can try out the service offering to decide on.

Compared to its free tier offerings, AWS stands out with its extensive 12-month free tier, which includes services like EC2, S3, and RDS. Azure offers a 12-month free tier with available computing and storage services. Meanwhile, Google Cloud provides $300 in free credits for new customers, including services like Compute Engine and Cloud Storage. You can also get additional credits after completing the business email verification.

Comparing Regions & Data Centers Availablity: AWS vs Azure vs GCP

As you now know the pricing and market demands, let’s understand the regions and availability zones of each cloud provider. A region represents the geo-location of the cloud provider’s data centers. So, when you choose a region near your operational area, you enjoy better service uptime. Here’s the comparison between AWS, GCP, and Azure regions:

  • AWS offers 25 geographic regions with 12 Regional Edge Caches and 81 availability zones. It has the most developed regions and zones among the three providers.
  • Azure operates in over 60 regions, each having more than 116 edge locations and three availability zones. Azure covers a broad geographic area, including unique regions like South Africa.
  • Google Cloud Platform provides 82 availability zones and 27 regions with 140 edge locations. Despite being the newest of the three, GCP offers competitive services and continues to expand rapidly.

Thus, you can enhance your cloud experience by considering your business location and operational areas when selecting the correct region and availability zone!

Comparing Common CSP Services: Compute, Storage, & Networking

Moving on, we will review the standard services AWS, GCP, and Azure offer! Even though the service names and technical aspects are different, these serve the same purposes. Closely analyze them to determine which service you require for your cloud experience.

Compute Services

  • Amazon EC2 offers extensive features like auto-scaling, accelerated computing with GPUs, and burstable performance instances. It also provides versatile container services like Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and supports various other computing options.
  • Azure Virtual Machines are known for compatibility with Windows, Linux, and third-party solutions like SAP and Oracle. Its support for hybrid environments is a significant advantage for businesses with diverse demands.
  • Google Compute Engine (GCE) stands out with custom and predefined machine types, per-second billing, and strong support for Kubernetes. GCE offers various containers and microservices related to Kubernetes.

Storage Services

  • Amazon’s range of storage solutions includes Amazon Glacier and S3 buckets.
  • Azure’s storage services include Azure File, Archive, and Blob Containers.
  • Google Cloud Storage offers scalable Google Cloud Storage and Filestore as object storage options.

Networking Services

  • AWS networking solutions include Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Elastic Load Balancer, AWS Firewall, Route 53 DNS, and Amazon CloudFront CDN.
  • Azure Virtual Network (Vnet) offers extensive networking capabilities, including Azure Load Balancer, Azure Firewall, Azure DNS, and Azure Content Delivery Network.
  • Google Cloud’s Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Load Balancing, Firewalls, DNS, and CDN provide secure and stable networking solutions.

Are all these cloud service names new to you? Don’t worry! When evaluating the services from the CSPs, you must check the technical details concerning their cost-efficiency.

The Bottom Line: Which CSP Is Best For Your Business?

Does our analysis help to clear your mind? Just to help you out, we’ve summarized the main aspects to consider when choosing the right cloud service provider among Azuew, AWS, and GCP:

  • Being the top contender, Amazon Web Services is best for medium to large-scale businesses seeking versatile and customizable solutions. Even though It has the most extensive service offerings, its complex pricing structure might lead to overspending without cost optimization.
  • Azure is ideal for large enterprises, especially those already using Microsoft products. Its pros include easy integration with Microsoft services and support for hybrid cloud. However, it has fewer service offerings than AWS and limited customization for non-Microsoft products.
  • GCP is perfect for small-scale companies and startups looking for customization and strong support for containerized workloads. Its simple pricing model and leading AI/ML capabilities make it ideal for modern enterprises. However, it offers limited services and limited enterprise support.

Ultimately, you can hire a reputed Cloud Consulting Company to help you analyze your cloud requirements and select a cloud service provider. Indeed, your cloud investments will bring the best outcomes when you pick the ideal CSP among Azure, GCP, and AWS!


Does AWS, GCP, and Azure support multi-cloud?

Almost all cloud service providers, including the three, support multi-cloud setups. You can integrate different cloud environments altogether to have a multi-cloud setting. Among these three, AWS offers the most flexibility in having multi-cloud environments.

Is Amazon Web Services better than Azure or GCP?

Even though AWS dominates the cloud market, Azure and GCP cloud platforms have proved their capabilities with diverse service offerings. Each holds a unique service portfolio that serves the distinct requirements of companies and industries. So, pick a CSP that supports your business!

How can I evaluate the capabilities of the cloud service provider?

You can analyze the cloud provider’s capabilities by hovering through their services. Check out their client portfolios and recently accomplished projects. Also, use the free service tier to get your hands on the platform’s usability and check on the service flexibility. Always look for the available regions and match them with your geo-location to get the maximum service uptime.

Does the CSP offer technical support for cloud adaptation?

The cloud provider provides detailed technical documentation about the implementation or service deployment steps. However, you’ll not get direct assistance to set up the cloud environments. You will either require an in-house team or hire cloud consulting companies to help you with the cloud transition.

Can I have multiple cloud service providers?

You can use Amazon Web Services while having a hybrid Azure infrastructure or Google Cloud Platforms services. So, always check for service compatibility before investing in multiple cloud providers.

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BDCC Global is a leading DevOps research company. We believe in sharing knowledge and increasing awareness, and to contribute to this cause, we try to include all the latest changes, news, and fresh content from the DevOps world into our blogs.

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BDCC Global is a leading DevOps research company. We believe in sharing knowledge and increasing awareness, and to contribute to this cause, we try to include all the latest changes, news, and fresh content from the DevOps world into our blogs.

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