
Boost Your DevSecOps By Following These Best Practices!

DevSecOps Best Practices

Nowadays, security is a massive challenge for organizations across various industries all over the world. We have witnessed a data breach where the TalkTalk website was hacked exposing the data of 156,959 accounts, and the website lost £77m after the attack. Many IT professionals distanced themselves from this brand after the incident….

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Top 6 Techniques to Overcome DevOps Resistance

DevOps Companies

Many companies across the world are adopting DevOps mainly for the purpose of reducing the time taken for delivering software releases, without compromising on the quality of the software. It is estimated that in the next five years, the DevOps market would definitely touch close to $13 billion. When DevOps is first…

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5 Optimum Tips To Create The Right DevOps Culture In Your Organization

DevOps consulting companies

DevOps is being widely accepted and adopted by leading software development companies as the right way to integrate the various functions of the development and operations team for ensuring flexibility, reducing time-to-market, and increasing end-to-end responsibility. These companies are constantly on the lookout for new strategies and techniques for inculcating better DevOps…

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An Inside Look at GitOps

DevOps consulting companies

At a time when variations on DevOps abound, get ready for the latest: GitOps. This new term promises to bring some order to what can be operational chaos and empower operational teams to leverage best practices learned from their developer counterparts. It’s early days yet for GitOps, but here’s what we think…

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Automated Multiplatform Deployment for DevOps


In a simpler world, every CI/CD pipeline would need to support only one deployment platform. In the real world, multiplatform deployment (which means deploying an application to run on multiple OS platforms) is a must-have for many organizations. We live in an age of diverse operating systems and deploying for only one…

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Why and How to Collect KPIs for Z DevOps

devops consulting companies

It can sometimes feel frustrating to try to figure out how to do DevOps. That’s because DevOps is not about tools—there are lots of different tools that can help you succeed at DevOps. Nor is it about any really specific set of practices; although DevOps prioritizes things like automation and communication, it…

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The Impact of DevOps on Database Monitoring and Management


The rise of DevOps has broken down silos and brought database administrators (DBAs) and application developers closer together to deliver software faster and in a more agile manner. This near-constant change driven by DevOps is reflected in the results of the Redgate 2019 State of SQL Server Monitoring Report. It reveals that…

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DevOps Enterprise Summit Las Vegas 2019 Conference Agenda Released, Speakers Added from ING Bank, KPMG, Microsoft, Ticketmaster, T-Mobile and US Bank

DevOps consulting companies

DevOps Enterprise Summit Las Vegas 2019 Conference Agenda Released, Speakers Added from ING Bank, KPMG, Microsoft, Ticketmaster, T-Mobile and US Bank BY DEBORAH SCHALM ON AUGUST 27, 2019 0 COMMENTS Event programming emphasizes the evolving business, technical and architectural practices needed to lead widespread change efforts in large organizations. PORTLAND, Ore., August…

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FaaS is the Key to DevOps Efficiency


When AWS announced Lambda–a serverless Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) technology offering–the idea of encapsulating a specific task into a function that resides in the cloud was introduced into mainstream access. Now, with the rising popularity of microservices, DevOps is waking up the benefits of FaaS where it is used to build and maintain enterprise…

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2019 State of DevOps Report Released; Research Links Fast, Reliable Software Delivery to Business Transformation

Devops consulting companies

Armory, the enterprise software company commercializing Spinnaker, the leading open source continuous delivery platform from Netflix and Google, today announced the findings of 2019 Accelerate: State of DevOps research report. The new study, sponsored by Armory, represents six years of research and data from more than 31,000 professionals worldwide, making it the…

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Strategies for Successful Implementation of Enterprise DevOps

Enterprise DevOps

DevOps refers to the agile relationship that exists between development and IT operations. The key goal of DevOps is to improve the relationship between these units via better communication. DevOps mainly focuses on the idea of a continuous delivery pipeline, also considered as the main building block of an Agile organization. Enterprise…

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Realizing DevOps Potential with QA-Dev Collaboration

DevOps Consulting Companies

DevOps culture has brought about a significant change in the way the IT industry operates. Breaking the siloes among different teams, DevOps encouraged a new style of collaborative functioning with all the key stakeholders involved in the software development lifecycle. Unlike the traditional waterfall model, the DevOps process engages different teams in…

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Securing DevOps Is About People and Culture

DevOps Culture and People

Preconceived notions and divisions make building security into the software development life cycle an uphill battle for many organizations. Security teams have long had the reputation of being “out of process” — that they add requirements, complicate processes, and disrupt DevOps. “The reality is that building security into the development process —…

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Why Security And DevOps Must Coexist

Top Devops Consultants

I recently had the pleasure of moderating a lively discussion with security leaders at the SINET Innovation Summit 2019 in New York. The conversation explored one central question: Can security and DevOps coexist? DevOps is a well-adopted practice that fosters an agile relationship between development and IT operations by advocating better communication…

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Stackery Smooths AWS Serverless Integration for DevOps

Top Devops Consultants

Stackery today announced a plug-in capability that will allow developers to build and debug code destined to run on the Lambda serverless computing service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) from within an integrated development environment (IDE) running on a local machine. Company CTO Chase Douglas said the latest Stackery tool can…

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Why Did DevOps Become So Popular? 3 Theories

Top DevOPs Companies

DevOps has now been a thing for a solid decade. As we look back at the history of DevOps, it’s worth asking: Where did DevOps come from, and why did it take off when it did? In honor of the 10-year anniversary of DevOps, I’d like to explore these questions. A Brief…

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Datadog Fetches Bevy of Additional DevOps Services

DevOps consulting companies

At its Dash 2019 conference today, Datadog launched a series of DevOps initiatives that significantly expand the use cases for the agent software that drives the company’s monitoring services. Additions to the Datadog portfolio include Network Performance Monitoring and Real User Monitoring (RUM) services as well as the general availability of a…

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Boost application security in DevOps with DevSecOps

DevSecOps Application Security

Software developers have a lot to contend with when it comes to keeping their skill levels current. New features are constantly introduced to integrated development platforms, and programming languages evolve frequently, as do development methodologies, like Waterfall. On top of these moving parts, developers have to deliver projects on time and in…

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